Correlation of Clinical and Ultrasound Findings in Infants with Hydrocephalus Clinical and Ultrasound Findings in Hydrocephalus
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Background: Clinical examination and ultrasonography have been found useful in the assessment of patients with hydrocephalus. There is a paucity of data on the correlation between ultrasound and clinical findings in infants with hydrocephalus. Objectives: To determine and correlate the clinical and ultrasound findings in infants with hydrocephalus. Materials and Methods: This is a cross-sectional study of 50 patients with hydrocephalus aged 1-12 months carried out from May 2021 to January 2022 in the Radiology Department of a tertiary hospital in Nnewi. Informed consent was obtained from the subject's parents or guardians. Transfontanelle ultrasound was carried out on the infants through the anterior fontanelle using a curvilinear transducer with multiple frequencies. Data analysis was done using Statistical product and service solutions (SPSS) version 20.0 (Chicago Illinois, USA). Results: Out of 50 infants with hydrocephalus, the largest number 21 (42.0%) were between the ages of 1-2 months. There were more males 35 (70.0%) than females 15 (30.0%). The most common clinical features were the abnormal increase in head circumference 48 (96.0%) and the separation of sutures 47 (94.0%). The commonest ultrasound findings were aqueductal stenosis 20 (40.0%) and obstruction at the level of foremen of Luschka and Magendie 19 (38.0%). There was a significant correlation between clinical findings and ultrasound diagnosis for irritability, vomiting, poor sucking, dull response to the environment, refusal of feeds, fever, lower and upper extremity weakness, and seizures (p<0.005, for all). Conclusion: This study revealed a significant correlation between the clinical and radiological diagnosis of hydrocephalus in infants.
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