Assessment of Serum Lipid Profile and Apolipoproteins in Patients with Prostate Disorders in Nnewi, Anambra, South East Nigeria

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U Amah
TU Mbaeri
JA Onuegbu
JM Olisekodiaka
JE Okwara
OB Onyema-Iloh
JC Nnamdi
CE Onah
JE Ahaneku


Background: Prostate cancer (PCa) is a common disease affecting men between the ages of 50 years and above and has a high incidence and mortality. It has been hypothesized that blood lipid levels might be associated with prostate cancer risk. Objectives: The aim of this study is to determine the serum concentration of the various lipid indices and apolipoproteins in patients with prostate disorders. Materials and Methods: A total of one hundred and eighty male subjects participated in the study. This comprised sixty patients with prostate cancer, sixty benign prostate hyperplasia patients, and 60 apparently healthy men. A blood sample was collected from each subject for biochemical analysis using standard ELISA/colorimetric methods. Statistical analysis was carried out and the level of significance was determined using KruskalWallis test. Results: The levels of both Apo A and Apo E were found to be significantly lower in the PCa group than in BPH and control subjects. Also, Apo A and Apo E were significantly lower in subjects with BPH when compared with values from controls. Meanwhile, Total cholesterol (TC) and Triglyceride (TG) were significantly higher in PCa patients compared to values seen in both BPH and control subjects. LDL-cholesterol was significantly lower in controls when compared with levels in PCa patients. Conclusion: The results obtained from this investigation suggest that altered lipid profile and Apolipoproteins A, and E levels might be associated with prostate cancer.  Monitoring of these parameters could be helpful in the management of prostate disorders.


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How to Cite
Amah, U., Mbaeri, T., Onuegbu, J., Olisekodiaka , J., Okwara , J., Onyema-Iloh , O., Nnamdi , J., Onah, C., & Ahaneku, J. (2022). Assessment of Serum Lipid Profile and Apolipoproteins in Patients with Prostate Disorders in Nnewi, Anambra, South East Nigeria. Tropical Journal of Medical Research, 21(1), 205–212.
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